Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Pada Materi Asking And Giving Opinion Melalui Model PBL (Problem Based Learning) Di Kelas XI Kesehatan 2 SMAIT Darul Qur'An

Vita Gustiayulita, Hanna Sundari, Ina Fahrina


This research aims to improve students' speaking skills on asking and giving opinion materials through the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) learning model. The focus of the research is on cases of everyday life such as technology abuse, bullying, stress, and fights. The subject of the study was 29 students of grade XI Health 2, which was carried out in January 2024 in collaboration with five English teachers in the Bogor Regency MGMP. Data collection techniques include observation and oral tests. The results of the study showed a significant increase, with student activity increasing from 50% in semester 1 to 72.41% in semester 2. All students successfully answered the questions in the speaking performance test, demonstrating the effectiveness of the PBL learning model in improving students' speaking skills. In conclusion, the implementation of PBL can encourage students to be more active, improve their speaking skills, and make learning more effective and enjoyable.

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