Research and Development Intensity, Goodwill, Intellectual Capital, and Financial Performance on Firm Value
The increasingly fierce competition that occurs between companies in the current era of globalization is forcing the company to improve its strategies. Therefore, the main purpose of establishing a company is to increase the value of the firm. To achieve that purpose,managers have to understand the factors that can increase the value of the firms and also fulfillthe interests of stakeholders. This study aims to analyze the effect of Research and Development Intensity (RnD), Goodwill (GDW), Intellectual Capital (IC), and Financial Performance (PF) on Firm Value. The research data is obtained from the annual reports of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2019 with a total sample of 60 after meeting certain criteria. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis.The results show that goodwill, intellectual capital, and financial performance have an effect on firm value. Meanwhile, the intensity of research and development has no effect on firm value
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Naskah Lengkap (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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