The Effect of Income and Working Hours on the Welfare of Vegetable Merchants at Cibubur Market, East Jakarta

Ria Susanti Johan, Desy Septariani


To improve welfare, an active role from the government is needed. To be able to improve the welfare of the community, especially traders who have contributed to the region, there needs to be more attention by optimizing all existing potential and resources. One market that has the potential to be developed is the Cibubur Market by maximizing income and the type of merchandise it will provide opportunities for traders to improve their welfare. This study aims to analyze the effect of income and working hour on the welfare of traders in the Cibubur market, East Jakarta. The data used in this research is primary data which is taken through the distribution of questionnaires. And analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the variables of income and working hours have a positive relationship to the welfare of traders in the Cibubur market, East Jakarta.


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