Comparison Of Digital Money Before and During The Pandemic

Siti Marti’ah, Berta Dian Theodora


Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, economic resilience has become a concern for the government and entrepreneurs as well as the community or households. Changes in the order of life during the pandemic are strongly influenced by restrictions on the movement (mobility) of the community in various sectors. There are several factors that influence people's decisions in carrying out economic activities, namely price perception, quality of goods, Self Confidence environmental influences, lifestyle, psycho demographic, psycho sociological, Family Scope, and Social Environment. Changes in psychological and social conditions are the biggest variables influencing purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the number of instruments and the value of electronic money transactions during the pandemic. Methodology The analysis uses a descriptive approach and a two sample t-test. The sample is data on the number of instruments and the value of electronic money transactions for 48 months. This study concludes that during the 24 months before the pandemic and 24 months during the pandemic, the average number of electronic money instruments and the value of electronic money transactions is not the same, so it can be concluded that there are differences in the number of instruments and the transaction value. 


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