Analysis of Reading Competence in the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum of Early Childhood Learning

Fajar Kurniadi


This study aims to find in-depth information about reading competence among early childhood students. This is done because many parents think that early childhood and playgroup are the children's first introduction to reading, writing, and counting competencies. This assumption is even stronger with the existence of elementary school entry requirements that require prospective students to be able to read, write, or count. So, actually, is there a competency to read the early childhood curriculum? If basically, early childhood and playgroup levels are a means for children to get to know the world of education by playing and socializing, then at which level should students learn to read? The method used in this study is a qualitative method with an analytical descriptive approach. Researchers made a questionnaire to early childhood, elementary school teachers, and parents of students. After getting the data, the researcher tried to analyze and reduce it in sentence form. After being successfully researched, it turns out that there is no or no implicit reading of reading competence at the early childhood level.


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