Development of Educational Statistics Teaching Materials Based Learning Cycle 5E and its Impact on Improving Learning Outcomes

Agus Abdillah


This study aims to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of Educational Statistics teaching materials based 5E Learning Cycle. This research used Research and Development model. The average validation results from evaluation & curriculum experts and material experts are 3.64 and 3.69 (very valid). This means that the teaching material is said to be feasible. Practicality is obtained from the student's response to teaching material of 93.68% (very positive) and observations of implementation of teaching materials with an average of 1.73 (implemented entirely). Thus the teaching materials are said to be very practical. Furthermore, effectiveness of teaching materials was measured by using paired samples test. The results showed that there were significant differences in learning outcomes between before and after using the Education Statistics teaching materials that had been developed. In other words, the average student learning outcomes after using Educational Statistics teaching materials based Learning Cycle 5E have increased.

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