The Effect of Tiktok Social Media on Learning Discipline in Adolescents in the Bojonggede Region, Bogor

Ajie Maulana, Adeng Hudaya


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of TikTok social media on learning discipline in adolescents in the Bojonggede area of Bogor. This study uses quantitative methods with a survey approach and data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, literature studies and documentation. From the analysis conducted by the author, it was found that the influence of TikTok social media on learning discipline experienced by teenagers in the RT area. 01/13, Bojonggede, Bogor, which has a moderate/sufficient effect, as evidenced by simple linear regression analysis with the equation Y = 52.366 + 0.473, which shows a unidirectional effect. Analysis of the correlation coefficient with a value of 0.532 which means it has a moderate/sufficient level of relationship between variables. The analysis of the coefficient of determination with the results of the X variable contributed 28.30% to the Y variable. Hypothesis testing with the results of 4.486 > 0.2706 (t_count > t_table) means that there is a positive influence of TikTok social media (X) on learning discipline (Y) in the region RT. 01/13, Bojonggede District, Bogor Regency.


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